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发布时间:2021-10-12 10:40:45 阅读: 来源:绿板厂家

gossip girl 最新整理台词

1. A man is a good thing to come home for, but even better thing to come home with .家里有一个让你牵挂的男人固然美好,但是更美好的是带个男人回家

2. Sometimes the stars align for two old friends to come together,but sometimes they align for two old flames to totally combusus.Wonder why the skys for S

tonight-friendship?or firework,有时候星星为朋友叙旧而明.有时为旧情复燃而亮,S,今晚的星星是为何而亮,友谊,还是旧情

3. Like how the keys to someone else’s happiness are not necessarily the same.比如每个人的幸福都不同。

4. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head all summer.我整个夏天都想着你

5. Now there’s a novel plot twist.现在时小说情节再现

6. Love may fade with the season,but some friendships are year-round,爱情可能随着季节褪去,可友谊会为你全年守候

7. If there’s one thing I’ve learned,it’s that there would be no gossip without

secrets.You might be brave enough to reveal your secret, only to have it used against you. Or someont else’s secret might affect you in unexpected ways.There are some secrets you’re only too happy to keep.Others surface only to be buried away deeper than they before.我懂得了一个道理,那就是,无秘密不成绯闻,也许你有足够的勇气说出自己的秘密,并为他人利用,与自己对抗。或者不知不觉中,别人的秘密深深的影响你,还有一些过于开心的秘密让你不觉脱口而出。而另一些只能够越陷越深

8. We all have dreams—some good,some bad,some fun and freudian,and some are the dreams we’ve had our whole lives.我们都会做梦,有些是美梦,有些是噩梦,有些是有趣的真情流露,还有一些事我们毕生追求的梦想

9. When words get in the way ,there’s really only one thing left to do.言语无法表达的时候,只有一种办法

10. There’s nothing quite like autumn in New York, but it’s not only the leaves that change.Something in the air brings out the true colors in everyone.秋天的纽约难以名状,但是在改变的不只有树叶的颜色,空气中神秘的成分也使每个人的本色尽显无遗

11. I chased you for long enough.Now it’s time you chased me我追你追的够久了,现在换你追我

12. They say summer love is fleeting,but sometimes,what starts as a fling can lead to the real thing.有人说夏天 爱是短暂的 可是短短的一下,可能会成真

13. There are those who got burned by the heat,they just want to forget and start over,那些被激情烫伤的,只想忘却,重新开始

gossip girl 小说 gossip girl 最新整理台词

14. Vacationers traverse the globe in search of new sights and experiences,but when it comes to scandal, I’ll take Manhattan every time,游客们至始至终都在寻找新的刺激和经验 ,但是当它变成丑闻的时候,我都会把它带回曼哈顿

15. Find out where you stand before you find yourself stood up 先搞清楚你的身份地位

16. Anyone can canoodle in July and August,but will he be gone by September?所有人都可以在七八月热吻,但是九月就不可以吗?

17. I wish everyone could see me through your eyes.我希望每个人都能像你这样的看待我

18. What we do here today echoes through eternity我们所做的一切将永垂不朽

19. Once again, the world has proven anything you can do,I can do better世上无难事只怕有心人

20. She’s gonna way too far真有点过火了

21. With friends like this, who needs an army?


22. With friends like these who needs friends?有这样的朋友又有何用呢

23. Well,we Waldorfs are nothing if not graceful.那是,我们家族做任何事情都是很得体.

24. A lie you looked me in the eyes and told.你就那样对我睁眼说瞎话

25. What goes around , comes around人们传什么,就发生什么.

26. I am surprised you made it out in one piece.真没想到你撒谎也如此出口成章

27. Every actress eventually finds the hook into her character,even if sometimes life has to give her a little push.每个女演员最终都会与角色产生共鸣,即使有时是生活本身推动的

28. Things happen ,people change.事过境迁

29. Every time I see you,you happen to me all over again每次见到你,我都被你迷倒

30. Every thought is burnt up in a great flame无法自拔的想着你

31. At least have the dignity not to lie to my face有点自尊,别当我面撒谎

32. The bottom line is ,betrayal’s in your nature说白了,你天生喜欢背叛

33. Directors push buttons to get performances严师出高徒

34. Spare me ,S.I don’t need stirring speech telling me what a good person I am.告诉我,S,我不需要华丽的演讲来告诉我自己是个多好的人

35. May knows as well as I do the real reason of her cousin staying away .But I shall never let her see the least sign that I’m conscious of there being a shadow on poor Ellon’s

gossip girl 小说 gossip girl 最新整理台词


36. Someone’s out to get you ,it’s just not me.有人想整死你,可惜不是我

37. There are about a thousand people who would relish taking you down.喜欢看你被恶整的人多的不计其数



